THYME (Herb)



One of the reasons I was so excited to move to our new home was because we would actually be able to plant herbs. I love the smell of fresh herbs, especially thyme so I decided it would be one of the first herbs we would plant.

Here are the basics of taking care of Thyme. (I am a rookie, this info is a guide for me and I hope it helps you too):


The plants should grow 6 to 12 inches in height. Thyme thrives in full sun and loves heat. If you are growing in a pot indoors, plant near a sunny window.


  • Water throughly only when the soil is completely dry.

  • Prune the plant back in both the spring and summer to contain the growth.

  • If you have cold winters, remember to lightly mulch around the plants after the ground freezes.


Thyme adds a gentle flavor to just about anything, try it with eggs, tomatoes, meat, soups, beans, and potatoes.


Soil needs to drain welL.


In early spring, you can fertilize thyme with compost, but not much soil amendment is necessary.

information source