I love having fresh flowers in the house, but pre-made arrangements can be incredibly expensive so I’ve found away to incorporate fresh flowers into my home that doesn’t break the bank.
pick a flower you love
Personally, I love cosmos, hydrangeas, ranunculus, berries, baby’s breath and sweat peas. You can buy a single stem or pick a single stem and display it in a small bud vase or purchase a small bundle of flowers and display them in a larger vase (glass or a solid colour that works with the palette in your home).
pick a colour you love
I pretty much always stick to white, I love how neutral it is, it always makes my home feel light, airy and fresh when I have white flowers in the house.
invest in a vase you love
My favorite type of flowers (listed above) look the best in simple clear glass vases. So I’ve been able to find some great ones at Home Sense. I also look at my local florist studios from time to time to see if they have anything nice available.
arrange them
It depends on the flower you picked, but if you picked something like a ranunculus, they look really good when cut at uneven heights. I love showcasing their winding stems, they’re so beautiful. Something like berries or baby’s breath looks better a little fuller so you might even want to get two packages. You can get beautiful baby’s breath at Safeway for $4.oo a package.
Fresh from the garden
White Ranunculas
2. white muscari